• Unleash
    Your Child's

Child-First Curriculum

We believe that every child is unique and will grow at his or her own pace. Our teachers spend time nurturing children’s strengths and encouraging them to reach new heights.


Livermore Playschool was incorporated in 1953 as a non-profit educational organization.  At Livermore Playschool (AKA LPS), we strive to provide a quality part-day and full-day programs for children 2 years of age through 5 years old. In addition, a quality school age program with transportation, to and from school, for children of elementary age.

Our programs at LPS are designed to meet children’s needs as well as their family’s needs.  We offer flexible pre-school, day care and school age schedules.  We strive to form partnerships with all families enrolled at LPS. We provide an environment that promotes age-appropriate social-emotional, physical, and academics for preschool children and a supportive, recreational environment for school age children.


  • To make sure children are happy, safe and well cared for by giving positive attention.
  • To allow children to learn through academic and social discovery.
  • To help children learn new skills such as socializing with peers to encourage independence, and further develop communication skills.
  • To acquire a sense of playfulness and wonder so that we (teachers/parents) may instill in our children a sense of curiosity, compassion, and optimism about learning.